
During last week’s active meeting and discussion on gratitude, I found the space to find appreciation for the beautiful vulnerability that Delta Beta Tau shares. As I reflected on the areas of my life where I encounter gratitude the most, and the areas where gratitude can often be absent, I found comfort in hearing other people’s stories and similar struggles. I found inspiration in the group’s willingness to genuinely share, and a deep gratitude for DBT’s culture of providing spaces where each person in attendance can feel comfortable in sharing their authentic selves. 

  What strikes me the most about the power of the DBT community is the comfort in silence. There’s no pressure to add needless fillers in conversation, no obligation to add to the conversation before you’re ready. I have always found this really beautiful. As people shared their experiences with gratitude in difficult situations with parents, I heard many of my own experiences echoed in their words. Even without sharing my own specific experiences, I felt heard. 

I am endlessly grateful for DBT providing me the space where I can simply be. There is no pressure find the perfect words or put on a perfect front. It is simply a space to come as you are, because that will always be enough. Last week’s meeting was the perfect space to remind me of this.

By: Natalie King-Shaw


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